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How Your Small PPC Budget Can Compete

Forbes recently wrote a great article detailing how smaller companies can compete with Pay Per Click advertising against bigger competitors with bigger budgets. A lot of this is routine knowledge for PPC professionals but it is great information to digest if you own a small budget of have ever wondered how your business could possibly compete with the bigger spenders in your area. Basically, think about your biggest profit centers and target more of the precise ways people would search for those products and services. We work with a lot of local and regional businesses that do not have the budget to buy out every possible keyword combination so we focus on having a narrow attack to bid on only the most relevant keywords and then make sure to have great ad text and landing pages for the potential client to visit. Although having a limitless budget for PPC is helpful it is certainly not necessary to generate a good return on investment. Take my steps below to ensure a successful PPC campaign:

1) What is your favorite product or service to sell? Figure this out and make this the core of your PPC campaign. For most businesses this will be the item or service that makes them the greatest amount of profit. We have dentists that don’t have the budget to buy the keyword “Dentist” but instead focus on specifics like “cosmetic dentist specializing in dental implants”. Cosmetic dentistry is traditionally much more profitable than a cleaning so we would encourage this client to focus on what makes the most amount of sense for them and their bottom line. The additional benefit is they can achieve a great amount of visibility for this long-tail keyword for a small budget and a single client more than pays for their advertising for several months!

2) What makes you different? Have you been in business longer than your competition? Do you have better pricing? A better warranty? Focus on your strengths and make sure all those strengths are clear in your website and ad text.

3) How much are you comfortable spending? Think of this as a daily budget, not a monthly budget.

4) Look for professional help. Although some people do a great job running their own PPC campaigns it is a tough road to navigate if you haven’t done it before. Look for a certified professional to do the work for you while you focus on your business.

For more information please look at this article from Forbes.

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