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Oak Lawn Smiles
Family Dentistry

287 conversions at a 14% conversion rate


The Overview

287 conversions at a 14% conversion rate

Oak Lawn Smiles Family Dentistry is a Chicago area-based dental office specializing in preventative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and more for families.

They tailor their approach to individual preferences while maintaining high-quality dental care. Oak Lawn Smiles has been a client of EMSC since early 2020.


Attributed to PPC campaign during June 1 - August 31

Conversion rate

Attributed to PPC campaign during June 1 - August 31

Increase in goal conversion rate

Compared to previous period

Increase in organic new users

Compared to previous period


The Opportunity

In March 2020 when Illinois enforced the stay-at-home order that required dental practices to limit all treatments with the exception of emergency cases, many practices were forced to close their doors.

Being in strong financial standing, Oak Lawn Smiles looked to EMSC for opportunities to take advantage of during this unprecedented time to keep their doors open and caseload high.

This in turn led to an improved performance during the summer once additional practices began to open up again.

The Strategy

EMSC created and launched a new website for Oak Lawn Smiles in April 2020. The new site increased call-to-action visibility as well as focusing on displaying their core services and what sets them apart from their competitors. Many content pages were also revamped.

After initially limiting paid advertising messaging to emergency services only in the spring, Oak Lawn was able to pivot back to family dentistry-related searches as the summer began and saw a boost in both leads and website visitors. Messaging touted the individually tailored care that the practice offers as well as the fact that strict safety precautions that met all state and federal guidelines were being adhered to.

Our Results

In the months of June 1, 2020 – August 31, 2020, Oak Lawn Family Smiles
saw the following results from their program:

New Website Design

14% Decrease in bounce rate

Compared to the previous period

14.5% Increase in pages per session

Compared to the previous period

40% Increase in average session duration increased

Compared to the previous period

225% Increase in goal conversion rate

Compared to the previous period


85% Increase in organic new users

Compared to the previous period

32% of all leads generated were organic phone calls and form submissions

and increased more than 444% compared to the previous period

170% Increase in organic goal conversion rate

Compared to the previous period


287 Conversions

Attributed to PPC campaign

14% Conversion rate

Attributed to PPC campaign

26% Increase in conversion volume

in August 2020 compared to July 2020

84% Increase in conversion volume

in August 2020 compared to June 2020

24% Decrease in cost per conversion

in August 2020 compared to July 2020

47% Decrease in cost per conversion

in August 2020 compared to June 2020

6.39% Click through rate

Above the industry average of 3.27%


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