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Are You New To Google Analytics? Here’s What To Look At:

When it comes to using Google Analytics, you may find yourself wondering what areas deserve your attention and what areas aren’t as important. If you don’t know where to begin, that’s where the team at EM Search Consulting can help. If used correctly, Google Analytics has information and data points that can make all of the difference in your digital marketing strategy. The following Google Analytics reports should be considered when looking at the performance of your website.  

Conversions Overview

Of course, the goal of any business owner and their marketing team is to get new leads and increase revenue. The best place to track this is in Conversions Overview. This view shows a general overview of goal completions and goal conversions as well as a granular look at what kind of goals were completed, where on the website they occurred, and the source/medium from which the converting user came. This metric helps business owners and marketers attribute leads to different marketing strategies and determines the ROI of those efforts.

Acquisition Overview

Site traffic is an important metric to measure performance statically and over time. In this view, channels are broken down by source: organic search, paid search, direct, referral, and social. You can see how much traffic your website has acquired over time, where that traffic is coming from, and broadly, how different channel users are engaging with your site. This view provides general behavioral insights such as bounce rate, average session duration, and conversion data. This metric gives users an overview of how your website’s traffic is performing and provides data points that can be dug into at greater depth within Google Analytics.

Site Pages

The “All Pages” site content view in the “Behavior” report represents website traffic performance on a page-by-page perspective. Every visitor who enters your website does so by clicking on a specific site page. To understand how pages are performing and being interacted with, you should look at the All Pages report. This view will show you valuable page data such as views, avg. time on page, and bounce rate – all of which should be considered when making enhancements to pages and content. On the flipside, you can also find out which pages are underperforming and make the changes necessary to gain more viewership.

Are you interested in learning more? Our team at EM Search Consulting is only a phone call away. Contact your account manager today to learn more about Google Analytics.

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